Tic Tac Toe Web
Tic Tac Toe (aka "Noughts and Crosses") is a simple game played between two players on a 3x3 grid.
In this project you will implement the game rules in a web-based UI.
We recommend that before you start this project, you complete the Tic Tac Toe (CLI) project (at least up to the "Artificial Stupidity" story). This will help you keep the game rules separate from the user interface, both in your mind and in your code. You may even be able to reuse many of the functions you wrote earlier.
Template repository: https://github.com/BurlingtonCodeAcademy/tic-tac-toe-www -- either clone this directly, or use your own GitHub Classroom repo.
Tic Tac Toe
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[Start Game]
Tic Tac Toe
| |
--- --- ---
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--- --- ---
| |
Player X's turn
Tic Tac Toe
| X |
--- --- ---
| |
--- --- ---
| |
Player O's turn
The backlog is an ordered list of user stories (aka features). Make sure to implement them in order, and don't move on to the next one until you're confident that your current story meets all the requirements. Some features already have acceptance tests written in Cypress; make sure these work and also feel free to add your own tests in the cypress/integration
Start Game
Given an empty board
When the user clicks 'Start Game'
Then the 'Start Game' button is disabled ("grayed out")
And the status area contains "Player X's turn"
No Rules
Given an empty board, and
Given the current player is X
When the user selects a cell
Then the board redraws
And an X appears in that cell
And the turn ends
And the current player changes from X to O
Given the player is O
When the user selects a cell
Then an O appears in that cell
And the turn ends, and the current player changes from O to X
When the user selects a cell that is not empty
Then the game says "Please select an empty cell." and does not put an X or O in the cell
And the current player does not change
Win Condition
Given the turn has just ended
When if there are three Xs in a row, column, or diagonal
Then the system draws a line through the winning three cells
And the app says "Congratulations! Player X wins!"
And the game ends
(and likewise for Player O)
When starting a game, allow the user(s) to choose the names of the players (not just X and O).
Game Time
After starting a game, a game clock timer is present in the lower region of the web page.
The timer should show the time in the format:
- Time Elapsed 32 seconds
(See example below)
Every second during game play, until a player has won, the clock should proceed by one second.
Example: - 32 seconds - 33 seconds - 34 seconds
Tic Tac Toe
| X | O
--- --- ---
| O |
--- --- ---
| X |
Player O's turn
Time Elapsed 32 seconds
Artificial Stupidity
- When starting a new game, choose "Player vs Player" or "Player vs Computer"
- If "Player vs Computer" is chosen, then do not ask for a name
- The computer player always picks an empty cell at random
- The human is always X and the computer is always O
New Game UI
- design a clean "New Game" UI allowing choice of human or computer, name, and symbol
- consider using a modal dialog box
- consider button placement and visibility
Game Time Formatted (OPTIONAL)
After starting a game, a game clock timer is present in the lower region of the web page.
The timer should show the time in the format: - Hours : Minutes : Seconds - HH:MM:SS
(See example below)
Every second during game play, until a player has won, the clock should proceed by one second, incrementing the minutes, and hours as necessary.
Example: - 00:59:57 - 00:59:58 - 00:59:59 - 01:00:00 - 01:00:01
Tic Tac Toe
| X | O
--- --- ---
| O |
--- --- ---
| X |
Player O's turn
Time Elapsed 00:01:25
Artificial Intelligence (OPTIONAL)
- Instead of picking a random cell, the AI chooses the best random cell
- This will require R&D
- See https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P2TcQ3h0ipQ for inspiration
EXTRA BONUS: Play Nine Games at Once (OPTIONAL)
- Change the rules of the game so that nine 3x3 boards are played at once by two players.
- A win can be achieved on any of the nine boards by placing three X's or three O's in a row.
- Winning on any board will award the player a win for the entire game.
- See this description for more information: http://www.stratigery.com/gen9.html