Tic Tac Toe
Tic Tac Toe (aka "Noughts and Crosses") is a simple game played between two players on a 3x3 grid.
In this project you will implement the game rules and a terminal-based UI.
We recommend that you implement this command-line, terminal UI project before starting the Tic Tac Toe (WWW) project.
Template repository: https://github.com/BurlingtonCodeAcademy/tic-tac-toe
(image source: Public Domain)
After launching the program and starting the game, the terminal should display this:
1 | 2 | 3
--- --- ---
4 | 5 | 6
--- --- ---
7 | 8 | 9
Player X's turn
Move to?
After the user (acting as Player X) types 2Enter, the board should redraw like this:
1 | X | 3
--- --- ---
4 | 5 | 6
--- --- ---
7 | 8 | 9
Player O's turn
Move to?
Next, after the user (now acting as Player O) types 5Enter, the board should redraw like this:
1 | X | 3
--- --- ---
4 | O | 6
--- --- ---
7 | 8 | 9
Player X's turn
Move to?
No Rules
Given an empty board, and
Given the current player is X
When the user selects a cell (e.g. typing 2Enter)
Then the board redraws
And an X appears in that cell
And the turn ends
And the current player changes from X to O
Given the player is O
When the user selects a cell (e.g. typing 5Enter)
Then an O appears in that cell
And the turn ends, and the current player changes from O to X
When the user selects a cell that is not empty
Then the game says "That cell is already full. "
And the board state is unchanged (it does not put an X or O in the cell)
And the current player does not change
Win Condition
Given the turn has just ended
When if there are three Xs in a row, column, or diagonal
Then the system draws a line through the winning three cells
And the app says "Congratulations! Player X wins!"
And the game ends
(and likewise for Player O)
Given all cells are full and neither player has three in a row
When the turn ends
Then the app says "Stalemate!"
And the game ends
When starting a game, choose the names of the players (not just X and O).
When displaying the name of a player, use their name and also say which symbol they are (X or O), e.g. Alice's turn (X)
Artificial Stupidity
- When starting a new game, choose "Player vs Player" or "Player vs Computer"
- If "Player vs Computer" is chosen, then do not ask for a name
- The computer player always picks an empty cell at random
- The human is always X and the computer is always O
Artificial Intelligence (Optional)
- Instead of picking a random cell, the AI chooses the best random cell
- This will require R&D
- See https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P2TcQ3h0ipQ for inspiration