Today I Learned - Web Application

During your programming journey you will come across questions every day and need to find answers for those questions. Recent studies have found a cognitive benefit to journaling when learning new content, or balancing between multiple priorities. For many people the act of writing down a problem, the path to finding a solution, and the answer, stimulates pathways in the brain which help in memory recall and problem solving.

Your task for this project is to build a web-server and front-end application that you can use to record, search, edit, and reference answers for various programming tasks. The notes that you create will serve as both a log of your personal learning, and a reference of prior solved problems to remind yourself how to do tasks in the future.


Starter Code

Starter code exists for this project at: -

This code includes a command-line program and an Express web server program which can both connect to a MongoDB database server running either locally on the development environment or remotely in the cloud.

MongoDB Installation

Please make sure that you have a recent version of MongoDB installed on your development environment.

Use the following command in a terminal and look for a version of 3.4+.

$ mongo --version

You can follow the instructions here to achieve this if you DO NOT already have MongoDB installed.

Sign up for MLab Account

We use the free database as a service provider MLab for connecting a production version of the application to a database hosted in the cloud. Please visit the following URL and sign-up for an MLab account in order to create and use a database which is reachable from the internet.

After creating an account please follow the following instructions to create your first database within MLab.


  • What fields should be required for a TIL entry?
    • Title?
    • Content?
    • Author?
    • Topic or Category?
    • Links to resources?
  • How could you find and update an existing TIL entry?
  • How could you search for entries containing a word, phrase, or category?
  • How could you remove an existing TIL entry?
  • How could you format TIL entries so that code appears mono-spaced and syntax highlighted?
  • How could you add comments to TIL entries?
  • How do you enforce who can create/edit/delete new entries?


Creating a new TIL entry


An empty HTML form at the path /


A user inputs:

To convert JSON to JavaScript object user JSON.parse("{some: 'json'}");


A new TIL entry is created


The TIL entry.text equals:

To convert JSON to JavaScript object user JSON.parse("{some: 'json'}");

Listing existing TIL entries


An existing TIL entry with the text:

To convert and object to JSON use JSON.stringify({text: 'I learned something'});

And a when of: 2018-01-01T12:15:00+0400


A user visits the URL path:



The web-page should display a list of HTML formatted TIL entry including exactly one with:

Attribute Value
text To convert an object to JSON use JSON.stringify({text: 'I learned something'})
when 2018-01-01T12:15:00+0400

Display a TIL entry


An existing TIL entry with the text attribute of:

To get an objects attributes use Object.keys(someObject);

And the when attribute of:


And an _id attribute with a value, represented with a placeholder as :objectId.


A user visits the URL path:



The web-page should display a single HTML formatted TIL entry with the attributes:

Attribute Value
text To get an objects attributes use Object.keys(someObject);
when 2018-01-01T14:05:00+0400

Listing multiple TIL entries


An existing TIL entry with the following attributes:

Attribute Value
text To get an objects attributes use Object.values(someObject);
when 2018-01-01T15:30:00+0400


An second TIL entry with the following attributes:

Attribute Value
text To replace part of a string use "my string".replace(/string/, "new string")
when 2018-01-01T16:10:00+0400


A user visits the URL path in the browser:



The web-page should display two HTML formatted TIL entries with the attributes:

Attribute Value Order
text To get an objects attributes use Object.keys(someObject) 1
when 2018-01-01T14:05:00+0400 1
text To replace part of a string use "my string".replace(/string/, "new string") 2
when 2018-01-01T16:10:00+0400 2

Editing an existing TIL entry


An existing TIL entry with the following attributes:

Attribute Value
text To convert string input to an Integer use parseInt("42")
when 2018-01-01T17:00:00+0400


The record has an _id attribute with a value, represented with a placeholder as :objectId.


A user visits the URL path /facts/:objectId


The web-page is populated with a <form> element containing the following inputs and values

Input Value
text To convert string input to an Integer use parseInt("42")
datetime-local 2018-01-01T17:00:00+0400


Take a look at the DateTime-Local input type on Mozilla Developer Network

Delete a TIL entry

An existing TIL entry with the following attributes:

Attribute Value
text To convert a number to a string use (42).toString()
when 2018-01-01T19:30:00+0400


The record has an _id attribute with a value, represented with a placeholder as :objectId.


A user visits the URL path /facts/:objectId


The user clicks on the <button> with textContent of Delete within the page's <form> element.


The user should be presented with a confirmation dialog asking Are you sure you want to delete this TIL Entry?


The TIL entry should be deleted from the facts collection within the database, after clicking Confirm


The user should be receive an HTTP response code of 200 and then be redirected to the / URL path

Extra Feature Ideas

  • Tagging entries with a category
  • List entries after or before some date
  • List between two dates
  • Reports of TIL entry activity:
    • Heat-map with:
    • entries with days of week descending on Y axis and weeks of year on the X axis
    • X for a day with an entry and an O for a day without an entry
    • Could you use colors in the terminal instead of an X or O?