Today I Learned - Command Line

During your programming journey you will come across questions every day and need to find answers for those questions. Recent studies have found a cognitive benefit to journaling when learning new content, or balancing between multiple priorities. For many people the act of writing down a problem, the path to finding a solution, and the answer, stimulates pathways in the brain which help in memory recall and problem solving.

Your task for this project is to build a command line program which you can use to record, search, edit, and reference answers for various programming questions and answers.


  • How could you record the Date and Time of each TIL entry?
  • How could you find and edit an existing TIL entry?
  • How could you write multi-line TIL entries?


Creating a new TIL entry

Given an empty command prompt

When a user inputs:

til To convert JSON to a JavaScript object use JSON.parse


A new TIL entry is created


The TIL entry.content equals:

To convert JSON to a JavaScript object, use JSON.parse

Listing existing TIL entries


An existing TIL entry with the content: To convert JSON to a JavaScript object, use JSON.parse(myObject)

And the Date-Time: 2018-01-01T12:15:00+0400


A user inputs:

til --list


Then the command prompt will contain

0 2018-01-01T12:15:00+0400 To convert JSON to a JavaScript object, use JSON.parse(myObject)

Display a TIL entry


An existing TIL entry with the content: To convert JSON to a JavaScript object, use JSON.parse(myObject)

And the Date-Time: 2018-01-01T12:15:00+0400


A user inputs:

til --show 0

**Then ##

Then the terminal will output

CREATED: 2018-01-01T12:15:00+0400
CONTENT: To convert JSON to a JavaScript object, use JSON.parse(myObject)

Listing multiple TIL entries


An existing TIL entry with the content: To convert JSON to a JavaScript object, use JSON.parse(myObject) And the Date-Time: 2018-01-01T12:15:00+0400


An existing TIL entry with the content: To get the length of a JavaScript Array, ['some', 'array'].length And the Date-Time: 2018-03-02T18:30:00+0400


A user inputs:

til --list


Then the command prompt will contain

0 2018-01-01T12:15:00+0400 To convert JSON to a JavaScript object, use JSON.parse(myObject)
1 2018-03-02T18:30:00+0400 To get the length of a JavaScript Array, ['some', 'array'].length

Editing an existing TIL entry


An existing TIL entry with the content:

To convert JSON to a JavaScript object, use JSON.parse(myObject)


A user inputs:

til --edit 0


The user changes the contents:


To convert JSON to a JavaScript object, use JSON.parse(myObject)


To convert JSON to a JavaScript object, use JSON.parse('{"name": "Ada Lovelace"}')


The TIL entry is saved


The contents of the TIL entry will contain:

To convert JSON to a JavaScript object, use JSON.parse('{"name": "Ada Lovelace"}')

Delete a TIL entry


An existing TIL entry with the content: text To convert JSON to a JavaScript object, use JSON.parse('{"name": "Ada Lovelace"}')

When a user inputs:

til --delete 0

Then the terminal will output

D 0 2018-01-01T12:15:00+0400 To convert JSON to a Javascript object, use JSON.parse('{"name": "Ada Lovelace"}')

And There are zero entries when the user inputs

til --list


Extra Feature Ideas

  • Tagging entries with a category
  • List entries after or before some date
  • List between two dates
  • Reports of TIL entry activity:
    • Heatmap with:
    • entries with days of week descending on Y axis and weeks of year on the X axis
    • X for a day with an entry and an O for a day without an entry
    • Could you use colors in the terminal instead of an X or O?