Portfolio Page


A "Portfolio Page" is a web site that showcases your personal work. It's like a resume that people can click on to see examples -- live and running in-browser if possible! -- of the work in question.

We will use GitHub Pages to build and host your portfolio site.

(Over the course of this class, you will keep improving this page, but for right now we're keeping it simple.)


  1. Visit https://pages.github.com/ and follow the steps there to create a "Hello World" site living at http://yourgithubusername.github.io .
  2. Edit the HTML file to list the following information:
    • your name
    • your github username, with a link to your GitHub Repos page e.g. https://github.com/BurlingtonCodeAcademy
    • your public social media accounts, with links, e.g. https://twitter.com/alexch -- only if you feel comfortable mixing your social media life with your work life
    • if you have a LinkedIn account, link to it too
    • Your current city and state (if you are job-hunting there; otherwise it's not needed). Don't list your street address or zip code.
    • (optional) your contact information, e.g. email, phone, Skype id. Consider what information you want to be available when anyone Googles your name.
  3. Deploy the changes and demo it to a teacher.

Later we will add sections for resume, case studies, class projects, etc.