
Welcome to Burlington Code Academy!

Before the class starts, please install the following:

  • VS Code text editor
  • Node.js
  • Git

and sign up for accounts on:

  • GitHub
  • Heroku

Are you on a recent model Mac? Skip to the Mac Homebrew section to install Node and Git, then come back here for GitHub and Heroku.

VS Code Text Editor

  • Install VS Code from Microsoft
  • Here's a VS Code Overview for you to read later
  • OPTIONAL: Launch VS Code, then type
    • MacOS: CMD-SHIFT-P
    • Windows: CTRL-SHIFT-P
      • then type "install" and select " Install 'code' Command In Path "
      • Now you can type code . from the terminal to open the current dir!

Node.js (JavaScript)

  • Install Node.js from
  • version 10.X.X LTS is preferred
    • run node -v in terminal to check
    • if you can't install v10, anything past 6.0 is probably okay




Windows Only


  1. Visit
  2. Click "Download Full"
  3. Save the ZIP file and unzip it into your home directory
    • if your username is Alice you should now have C:\Users\Alice\cmder\Cmder.exe
  4. Right-click Cmder and select "Create Shortcut"
  5. Click and Drag that shortcut to the desktop
  6. Double-click the shortcut to open the terminal
  7. Press Win-Alt-P (or select "Settings..." from the window's menu) and change the "startup task" to {bash::bash} cmder

MacOS Only

Mac Homebrew

Homebrew is a package manager for MacOS that lets you install tools directly from the Terminal. Once it's installed, it's generally easier to use Homebrew than to use a web browser and graphical installer app.

These instructions are for recent versions of MacOS. If these do not work for you, don't worry; cancel out and follow the instructions above instead.

XCode Command-Line Tools

  1. Open Terminal and type

    xcode-select --install
  2. On the dialog box, click the Install button

  3. Wait several minutes for the download to complete


  1. Visit
  2. Copy the entire line underneath "Install Homebrew"
  3. Open Terminal and paste
  4. Enter your password and hit Return as prompted

NodeJS and Git

Open Terminal and type the following:

brew install node
brew install git

If all goes well, sign up for GitHub and Heroku using the instructions above.