GitHub Emoji
GitHub supports emoji inside commit messages and pull request comments.
Their list of emoji is long (currently 1500+) and they sometimes add emoji to this list, so instead of using a static web page to list them, they added an endpoint to their API that lists them all in a giant hash.
Check it out here:
GitHub Emoji
[___________] [Filter]
[OoO] :cloud_with_snow:
[:-)] :clown_face:
One Big List
When the page is loaded,
Then the app should fetch the list of emoji from GitHub,
And Then the user should see all emoji in a long list
Filter By Name
When the user enters a word into the "Filter" text field
Then the list should show only those emoji whose name contains that word
Other Considerations: if the list is immediately updated after every keypress, then it might cause performance problems or visual stutter. One way to limit this is to use a cooldown timer so that the filtering action only happens a second or so after the user presses a key, to allow for many keypresses in a row without interruption.
- Iteration