Ruby Objects
This section introduces Ruby's object-oriented programming model, including instances, methods, parameters, and memory management (instances and references). Later sections cover classes and modules and further topics.
Ref: WGR Chapter 2. Objects, methods, and local variables
Note: Following WGR's lead, in this section we define methods on instances (not on classes), to keep the lessons simple.
What is an object?
What is an object?
An object encapsulates state and behavior.
- encapsulate - put like things together; keep unlike things apart
- state - data, variables, properties, attributes, constants
- behavior - methods
The Linguistic Metaphor for Objects
One way to think about objects:
Objects are things that can be described and can do things, or...
- Objects are nouns
- Methods are verbs
- Attributes are adjectives
- Classes are categories
Objects vs. Classes
- objects are more fundamental than classes
- in Ruby, you can add behavior to an object directly
- class inheritance is complicated
- we'll cover it later
Creating an object
cookie =
- now
refers to an object instance- unique storage location in memory
- instance data stored in that location
Creating an object literally
fruit = "apple"
is a string literal -
now refers to a new object instance
References and Instances
- Imagine computer memory with two compartments: references and instances
- also known as "the stack" (or "the scope") and "the heap"
- References include parameters and local variables
- Instances contain the "real" data
- Each reference points at the location of an instance
- every reference is the same size (just 32 bits, or maybe 64 bits)
Stack | Heap | |
fruit | -> | "apple" |
Literals create instances
fruit = "apple"
dessert = "apple"
refers to a new object instance -
refers to a different, new object instance
Stack | Heap | |
fruit | -> | "apple" |
dessert | -> | "apple" |
References are independent of instances
fruit = "apple"
dessert = fruit
fruit = "banana"
dessert = fruit
What are the values of fruit
and dessert
after each line?
Object Identity
How can you tell if two references point to the same instance?
fruit = "apple"
dessert = "apple"
>> fruit.object_id
=> 2165091560
>> dessert.object_id
=> 2165084200
Ref. WGR Ch.2, Section 2.3.1
Object Equality
- Many ways to compare objects
params are equal (overridable) -
params are equal and the same type -
params are identical (sameobject_id
is usually what you want
Note that .equal?
is not guaranteed since bizarrely, some objects override .equal?
to do something else. If you really want to know if two variables reference the same instance, compare their object_id
Garbage Collection
fruit = "apple"
fruit = "banana"
- Now the instance containing "apple" is unreferenced
- So it can (and eventually will) be garbage collected
Side effects
- a variable is a reference to an instance (persistent location in memory)
- if you have several references to the same instance, odd things can happen
friend = "Alice"
teacher = friend
=> "ALICE"
Defining methods
cookie =
def cookie.bake
puts "the oven is nice and warm"
- bake is a method
- aka function, procedure, subroutine
def cookie.
("def cookie dot") means "define a method on cookie"
Invoking methods
Behavior comes from messages and methods.
prints I'm a cookie
to the console
- the object
receives the messagebake
and executes the methodbake
- dot (
) is the message operator
Method Definition Schematic
Ref. The Well-Grounded Rubyist PDF, Fig. 2.1
The methods
>> cookie.methods
=> [:nil?, :===, :=~, :!~, :eql?, ...]
>> cookie.methods(false)
=> [:bake]
also useful: cookie.methods.sort
, cookie.methods.grep(/age/)
>> cookie =
=> #<Object:0x007f86e485c3a8>
>> cookie.methods(false)
=> []
>> def cookie.bake; puts "hi"; end
=> nil
>> cookie.methods(false)
=> [:bake]
>> "goo".methods.grep(/sub/)
=> [:sub, :gsub, :sub!, :gsub!]
The respond_to?
if cookie.respond_to? :bake
puts "cookie is unbakable"
Note: Usually you don't use respond_to
because of duck typing.
Instance variables are stored in the object
def cookie.add_chips(num_chips)
@chips = num_chips
def cookie.yummy?
@chips > 100
cookie.yummy? #=> true
- All OO programs suffer from multiple personality disorder
is the default message receiver -
is set invisibly to always point to the current object
Self Example
def cookie.yummy?
@chips > 100
def cookie.add_chips(num_chips = 10)
@chips += num_chips
def cookie.yummify
add_chips until yummy?
- inside
the call toyummy?
goes toself
- Ruby Objects
- What is an object?
- What is an object?
- The Linguistic Metaphor for Objects
- Objects vs. Classes
- Creating an object
- Creating an object *literally*
- References and Instances
- Literals create instances
- References are independent of instances
- Object Identity
- Object Equality
- Garbage Collection
- Side effects
- Behavior
- Defining methods
- Invoking methods
- Method Definition Schematic
- The `methods` method
- The `respond_to?` method
- State
- Instance variables are stored in the object
- Self
- Self Example
- Labs