Regular Expressions

Regular expressions are terribly powerful, and terribly complicated. They could easily fill a two-day (or longer) class on their own. In this section we will assume you know something about them already, and just cover the basic syntax and point you to some deeper references.

Ref. WGR Chapter 11, Regular expressions and regexp-based string operations

regexp literals

slashes define a regular expression literally (inline)

foo_matcher = /foo/

The above regexp will match a string containing "foo" anywhere inside it

ooo_matcher = /oo*/

The above regexp will match a string containing "o" or "oo" or "ooo" (and so on) anywhere inside it

a more complicated regexp

    word_exp = /\b[a-z]*\b/i

So the above expression will match any word containing only normal English letters, in any combination of upper- or lowercase.

regexp operators: equal tilde

equal tilde returns the position in the string that matches, or nil if no match

>> "abcde" =~ /bcd/
=> 1

Note that the return value is truthy if the string is a match, and falsey if it's not, which lets you use it inside conditionals:

if ("abcde" =~ /bcd/)
  puts "yay! it matches!"

regexp globals

if "the quick brown fox" =~ /(quick).*(f..)/ then
  puts "The matching string was #{$~}"
  puts "The first substring was #{$1}"
  puts "The second substring was #{$2}"

Prints this:

The matching string was quick brown fox
The first substring was quick
The second substring was fox

See Also

regexp operators: bang tilde

bang tilde returns false if the string matches, or true if it doesn't

>> "abcde" !~ /xyz/
=> true
>> "abcde" !~ /bcd/
=> false

some methods that can use regexes



String.sub and String.gsub

>> "foobar".sub("foo", "baz")
=> "bazbar"
>> "foobar".sub(/foo/, "baz")
=> "bazbar"
>> "foobar".sub(/fo*/, "baz")
=> "bazbar"
>> "fooooooobar".sub(/fo*/, "baz")
=> "bazbar"
>> "fooooooobarfoo".sub(/fo*/, "baz")
=> "bazbarfoo"
>> "fooooooobarfoo".gsub(/fo*/, "baz")
=> "bazbarbaz"


>> "foo bar baz".split.grep(/f../)
=> ["foo"]
>> "foo bar baz".split.grep(/b../)
=> ["bar", "baz"]


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