What is a State Machine

  1. A system with a number of defined 'states'.
  2. Which can only be in one state at a time.
  3. With defined rules to 'transition' between states.

State Machine Example: Traffic Light

traffic light

  1. How many states? What are their names?
  2. Can it be in more than one state at a time?
  3. What are the rules for transitioning between states?

image by katerha

State Transition Diagram: Traffic Light

[G] -> [Y] -> [R]
 ^             |

Q: What if there was a "left turn ok" green light as well?

State Machine Example: Simon

simon game

  1. How many states? What are their names?
  2. Can it be in more than one state at a time?
  3. What are the rules for transitioning between states?

State Transition Diagram: Simon

[G] <-> [Y] 
 ^ \   / ^
 |   X   |
 |  / \  |
 v       v
[R] <-> [B]

State Machine Example: GUI Button

[TODO: picture(s) of MacOS button]


  1. Enabled
  2. Disabled
  3. Pressed
  4. Active


We may also need a state transition action: "when the button enters the 'active' state, send a 'click' event and then enter the 'Enabled' state"

Why use a state machine?

  1. Clarity
  2. Predicability
  3. Fail-fast debugging

State of the State

The term "state" has several overlapping meanings.

The term "state machine" has several technical variants as well.


How to implement a state machine?

There's more than one way to do it.

Easiest way is with something like this:

let states = {
  "green": {canChangeTo: ["yellow"]},
  "yellow": {canChangeTo: ["red"]},
  "red": {canChangeTo: ["green"]}

let currentState = "green";

function enterState(newState) {
  let validTransitions = states[currentState].canChangeTo;
  if (validTransitions.includes(newState)) {
    currentState = newState;
  } else {
    throw "Invalid state transition attempted - from " + currentState + " to " + newState;

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